Meditation, Mindful Immersion, Women's Weekend Retreats
My thoughts today relive the moments spent in the bush at Yarramalong, in the place that I host my Women’s Weekend Retreats. I enjoy these moments by myself before everyone arrives when I can just sit. My sit stone which looks very much like a sacrificial stone is...
Meditation, Mindful Immersion, Women's Weekend Retreats
You might ask – why on earth would a woman forsake her comfortable bed and modern ablutions for a sleep on a mattress, within a tent, miles from the nearest shopping centre? The answer is: for the benefit of her health through bush meditation! The peace, the...
Mindful Immersion, Women's Weekend Retreats
I am seeing more and more how scattered we as humans have become. There has been and still is such a huge emphasis on multi-tasking in our electronic era especially for women who are expected to juggle children, partners and work with the added pressures of achieving...